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What do you think about parenting in the technological world?

“Mummy, mummy, can you please check with the parents on Whatsapp whether I have to submit my English homework tomorrow?” “I don’t understand what teacher wants, can you text her to ask?”

With the convenience that technology offers today, these are some questions parents are inundated with when their young school-going children are unsure of or have forgotten the instructions from their teachers. While parents are important partners in education, and there are many benefits in maintaining a close network with other parents, younger school children may be lulled into a false sense of security and become overly reliant on this ‘whatsapp’ network for help.

We feel that it is important for children to learn about being responsible for themselves. They should understand the importance of paying attention to instructions in class and bearing the consequences of not doing so, i.e. being reprimanded by the teacher the next day for not completing certain tasks.

Instead of clearing your children’s doubts for them effortlessly, such situations could be turned into teachable moments. Parents may instead wish to get your child to call his classmates himself or you could help your child recall and decipher the teacher’s instructions through a series of probing questions. You may also encourage them to ask their classmates or speak to their teacher if they are unsure.

We all grew up knowing that help is often not just a “whatsapp” away so why not educate our child earlier and better prepare them for life’s storms ahead? Of course, don’t forget to praise your child for their efforts when they have done well!

Let us be part of your child’s education journey today! Do call us at 63415516 or email us at enquiry@superstarteacher.com if you have any questions.