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5 Tips to Increase Your Child’s Interest in Primary School Science

5 Tips to Increase Your Child's Interest in Primary School Science

Science is a fascinating subject that can open up a whole new world of discovery for your child. Some children are naturally curious about the things around them and will be interested in seeking out answers to their questions. Others need a little more encouragement to develop an interest in science. If your primary school child falls into the latter category, there are several things you can do to nurture your child’s curiosity and foster a love of science. 

1. Encourage hands-on learning

For starters, get your child involved in experiments and other hands-on activities. This will help them to better understand the concepts learnt in their primary school syllabus and discover how fun science can be. For example,  you can stick a piece of tissue paper inside a cup at its bottom and then push the inverted cup fully into a trough of water to see if the tissue will become wet in the end. This particular experiment demonstrates to your child that air has mass and occupies space. 

With a little creativity, there’s no shortage of enjoyable and educational activities. They also provide an opportunity for parents and children to bond while learning together. Next time your child shows an interest in a particular topic, take advantage of it by finding ways to incorporate hands-on learning into your everyday routine. 

2. See things up close with a magnifying glass

Your child can explore their surroundings in greater detail with a magnifying glass. They can examine bugs, leaves, and other small objects up close wherever they go. In fact, using a magnifying glass can also help your child to develop important skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving. As they examine different objects, they may analyse what they are seeing and draw conclusions based on their observations. These skills will come in handy not only in primary school science exams but in all their academic subjects.

3. Start a garden

Additionally, gardening will give your child a chance to get their hands dirty and learn about plant life cycles firsthand. As they watch their seeds sprout and grow into full-fledged plants, they’ll observe how different plants respond to different conditions and gradually understand the process of photosynthesis. Your child can also get a grasp on the importance of sunlight, water, and nutrients. 

To begin, let your child choose what they would like to grow. This can be anything from flowers to vegetables. You can guide them through planting the seeds, watering and caring for the plants together. Remember to encourage your child to observe the garden closely, taking note of changes that occur over time. By involving your child in every step of the gardening process, you can help to cultivate a love for science that will last a lifetime.

4. Try age-appropriate science kits

For more inquiry-based learning, you can find science kits that cater to all kinds of interests, from biology and chemistry to physics and astronomy. For example, one kit might include syringes, test tubes, and beakers, while another might include a magnifying glass, plant seeds, and soil. Science kits usually come with all the materials needed to do the experiments, as well as detailed instructions. With a wide range of options available, you can choose a kit that captures your child’s imagination. 

Some of the most popular science kits for children include those that allow them to make slime, grow crystals, or create volcanoes. As your child works through the challenges presented by the kit, they can develop a better understanding of various science concepts and learn them at their own pace. 

5. Take them on field trips

To pique your child’s interest in science, field trips will allow them to explore with their senses and see how the concepts they learn in their curriculum can be applied in real life. Some examples of particularly engaging field trips include visits to the farm, zoo or aquarium. These types of trips will help your child realise how interesting and important science really is. 

Point out interesting things that you notice during walks or talks, and encourage your child to ask questions about them. To ignite your child’s passion for science from primary school onwards, start planning a few fun-filled field trips for them!

Find a good resource 

To ultimately improve in primary school science, Superstar Teacher provides a unique opportunity for your child to be actively engaged in their syllabus. Covering topics in the primary school science curriculum, our interactive online tuition lessons will break down complex concepts and make them easy to learn. Here, your child will be able to gain a better understanding of key scientific concepts while also honing their exam techniques. Discover how your child can make progress in science and more subjects with us today!

Let us be part of your child’s learning journey today! Do call us at 63415516 or email us at enquiry@superstarteacher.com if you have any questions.