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Junior College Or Polytechnic? Where To Go After O-Levels?

It is the age-old question: Junior College or Polytechnic? Back in the day, the consensus was that taking the A-Levels was the only route to a University degree. However, times have changed, and students are increasingly taking unconventional paths to further their education. With more and more educational paths open to students, it may not ...

How To Write Engaging Introductions For English Compositions

Many students fear the English Composition examination, especially when they are not too strong in their language skills and lack vocabulary knowledge. While everyone should know by now that reading is arguably the most effective way to boost one’s language ability, it is not an overnight solution. If your child is struggling to score high ...

4 Ways To Support Your Child And Get Them Ready For The PSLE

The Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) is a major educational milestone that all students in Singapore must go through. Established in 1960 by Yong Nyuk Lin, then Minister of Education, the PSLE was designed to measure students’ understanding of key concepts in multiple subjects. Despite the PSLE having undergone many modifications since its inception, it ...

5 Proven Tips To Ace The PSLE’s Listening Comprehension Exam

It is officially less than a month before the PSLE’s Listening Comprehension examination for both English and Mother Tongue languages. The Listening Comprehension test is all about testing the student’s ability to listen well, identify the key ideas of the passages that are read to them, and infer and apply those concepts when answering the ...

Superstar Teacher Celebrates 10 Years of Student Success with New and Improved Online Platform

To mark its 10th year anniversary, Superstar Teacher has launched a swarm of new features on its online learning platform to further enhance the learning experience of student users. The portal revamp includes a new and refreshed dashboard as well as the integration of existing features into three newly-introduced sections termed as “Learn”, “Ask” and “Revise”. Students ...

5 Secret Ingredients to Writing a Good Chinese Compo

For many secondary school students in Singapore, writing a Chinese essay can be a daunting task. However, with a little preparation and practice, it is possible to produce a well-written essay that will impress the examiners. If your child is aiming to score well in Chinese composition, here are a few tips to get them ...

Top 4 Time Management Problems for Students (With Solutions!)

As the new school semester starts, your child may find themselves under increasing pressure to complete their revision and prepare for their year-end exams. One of the most important things for students to do is manage their time wisely. Unfortunately, this is often easier said than done. It is common for some students to try ...

5 Ways to Condense Notes for Secondary Science Revision

When it comes to science revision, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Some students prefer to read through and highlight their textbooks, while others prefer to do secondary school test papers. However, one of the most effective ways to revise for science exams is to take detailed notes. The process of writing down key information helps ...

5 Tips to Increase Your Child’s Interest in Primary School Science

Science is a fascinating subject that can open up a whole new world of discovery for your child. Some children are naturally curious about the things around them and will be interested in seeking out answers to their questions. Others need a little more encouragement to develop an interest in science. If your primary school ...