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Your Guide to Choosing the Best Online Tuition Classes in Singapore

The educational experience has been redefined since the introduction of online learning in Singapore. In fact – as of 2019 -, tuition itself was valued at $1.4 billion as students and parents strive to keep up with the rigorous and competitive educational system. Especially amidst the current pandemic situation, online tuition is increasingly becoming a ...

PSLE 101: Everything You Need to Know for this 2021 Round

In an effort to move from the current system that over-emphasises academic results more than students’ personal competencies, Singapore’s Ministry of Education (MOE) recently launched a new primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) scoring system.  From 2021, students taking PSLE will not be graded based on how they performed relative to their classmates but on individual ...

How to Revise for PSLE this June Holiday

For many Singaporeans, the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) is a big deal. It is an important bridge to be crossed in a child’s academic journey. After all, it is your child’s first step towards tertiary education in Singapore. At this point, it is important your child feels prepared to take the exam confidently and ...

4 Tips To Becoming A Supportive Parent During The Exam Period

As we approach the half-way mark of the academic year, it is also the start of the exam season for some students. If your child is currently revising and preparing for the upcoming mid-year examinations, here are some tips from Teacher Monica Leong on how you can be a supportive parent during this stressful exam ...

Covid-19 Vaccines: How To Explain To Your Child Effectively?

What are vaccines? How do vaccines work? These are, perhaps, some of the questions your child have asked you recently while the COVID-19 vaccination programme is being rolled out. Since Circuit Breaker was announced in Singapore in April 2020, we have certainly come far in terms of taking safe management measures to keep the virus ...

3 Important Science Process Skills Your Child Needs to Know

Content is important when it comes to learning Science, but what is of greater importance is the application of knowledge in new situations and context. Instead of regurgitating information from rote-learning, your child will be expected to form analyses and think critically during tests and examinations. These are spelled out in the latest assessment objectives ...

Why Do Some Children Shine Brighter Than Others?

Learning is so much more than just recalling information and performing well in examinations. Going beyond the imparting of content knowledge, we also endeavour to help our students develop a positive attitude towards learning and get them to see the joy and understand the value of education. Here’s how Superstar Teacher enables your child to ...

How Can Your Child Learn Better With Superstar Teacher?

As the academic year comes to an end, it is a good idea to spend some time reflecting on your child’s learning journey this year. If your child has been underperforming in school, figuring out the way to get your child to learn better most probably has crossed your mind. In that case, Superstar Teacher ...

Choosing The Best Tablet For Your Kids

As a learn-on-the-go online learning service provider, parents often ask us for opinions on what devices work best for their kids’ learning. We highly recommend the use of tablets, which is probably not the first thing that parents would think of. But the truth is, tablets are actually a great and practical alternative to laptops ...

6 Types of Online Learning Platforms Parents Should Know About

With schools all over Singapore making the shift to home-based learning (HBL) and the suspension of physical tuition classes during the Circuit Breaker period earlier this year, it is suffice to say that we are no strangers to online learning by now. However, are you aware of the various forms that online learning can take ...